The Negotiation Society podcast

Inside my head...Anson Bailey

The Gap Partnership

Get inside the head of Anson Bailey, KPMG China partner and President of the famous Hong Kong Potbelly Pig's rugby team. In this episode our host Adam Frampton chats to Anson about his perspectives on retail, sustainability, digital acceleration, and the Generation Z mindset. Anson also shares his thoughts on leadership, including the balance between technology innovation and people. Plus, dive deep into Anson's experiences navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong and learn about his negotiation tactics in supply chain. Tune in now for an engaging and thought-provoking conversation between Adam and Anson.

The Gap Partnership is a management consultancy specializing in negotiation, helping its clients drive profitability, increase efficiency and reduce cost. The Negotiation Society is a global community and digital platform established by The Gap Partnership, with content and resources that enable its members to develop, practice and embed their negotiation skills. It also publishes The Negotiation Society magazine, which comes out twice a year and is an essential read for negotiators everywhere. 

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